Bankruptcy Pricing Options

Chapter 7 - $0 Down
$159/mo x 12 mos
$0 Down
$338 one-time fee included
payment total = $1,908 (includes $338 filing fee)

Chapter 7 - $500 Down
$99 for 12 months
$500 Down
$338 one-time fee included
payment total = $1,688 (includes $338 filing fee and $500 down)

Chapter 7 - $799 One-Time Payment
Lawyer fee
+ $338 one-time fee
payment total = $1,137 (includes a $338 filing fee)

Chapter 7

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is where no debts are repaid. For these cases we charge a flat fee.

Chapter 13 - $0 Down
Lawyer Fees *
$0 Down
$338 one-time fee
Initial Retainer Total $338.00

Chapter 13 - $799 One-Time Payment
Lawyer Fee
+ $338 one-time fee
Initial Retainer total $1,137.00 *

* Chapter 13 bankruptcy will incur additional attorney fees that are billed by the hour and paid by a bankruptcy trustee through a bankruptcy payment plan once it has been approved by the bankruptcy court. Because these additional fees are charged hourly, and are not a flat fee like the chapter 7, they are difficult to estimate in advance. However, chapter 13 additional attorney fees can exceed $4,000.00.